9/19/sat - 御月民

 御月民 in Bonobo


(English Follows Japanese)
東京を拠点にDeep,minimalサウンドを追い求めるTechno Tribe御月民が時を経て、東京が誇るパワースポット・神宮前Bonoboにてパーティを敢行。


“Techno Tribe Otsukimi” pursuing deep and minimal sound based in Tokyo is going at a party in Tokyo’s power spot, Bonobo-Jingumae!

We’ve got a common language called “corona”, and we believe in the stonger ties between us that are brought in the culture of party and we are willing to advocate the ideal way of parties as a life-style in this historical pandemic era.

1Fのメインフロアでは、スペシャルゲストとして世界中のレーベルから数多くの楽曲を提供し、Deep且つフロアライクなトラックが注目を集めるRyogo Yamamoriが登壇。
そして、今年注目度No.1にして、先日のAnniversary open air partyを大成功に収めたLiquid Drop Grooveの牽引者であるYUTAを招聘。


On the main floor, Ryogo Yamamori who provides a lot of music to World’s techno labels and whose deep and floor-like tracks are attending attention over the world will be at stage.
And we invites YUTA, the owner of Liquid Drop Groove who made Anniversary open air techno party a big sucesss the other day, No.1 attention in this summer!

The headliner on the 2nd floor from the outdoor party crew Deeppulse, aluca from Osaka selects downbeat this time from a wide range of music library that cannot be categorized!
And the young lead Maria. from LDG specially presents the world and Latin set.
Also variety of other Artists will be attending to add flowers to the Zashiki floor.


*Alcohol disinfection will be performed when entering the venue. If those who have a little fever cannot enter.We ask for frequent hand washing and mouse washing. To refrain yourself from drinking of others.
*Please note that admission may be restricted depending on the situation inside the venue.

■1st Floor
Ryogo Yamamori (TGP / Non Series)

■2nd Floor
aluca from Osaka
Tomoya (Midnight Debris)
Lily (Unshelter)
Yukie b2b Takaya

Tiny bird coffee service

See you on the dance floor🌙